Without Jade Mat / With Jade Mat
Good blood circulation is the key to good health.
Blood transports nutrients and oxygen and carries away waste products.
The vision for this LED technology is to have a small, lightweight and portable LED source that can be used to accelerate wound healing in the battlefield. This equipment would allow the warfighter to stimulate the rate of recovery of soft tissue injuries and eye injuries caused by lasers by several different mechanisms.
Dr. Harry Whelan, professor of pediatric neurology at the Medical College of Wisconsin
Plant Growth Experiment by FIR
Heat Technology From NASA
Abstract: Space light emitting diode (LED) technology has provided medicine with a new tool capable of delivering light deep into tissues of the body, at wavelengths which are biologically optimal for cancer treatment and wound healing. this LED technology has alrady flow on space shuttle
missions, and show promise for wond healing applications of benefit to space station astronauts, and in special operations. space Tech.& App.Int'l Forum - 1999,Vol 458:3 - 15. 1999-00,Medical College of Wisconsin.
Have you ever had a back ache? How about a sore knee? Aches and pains are a part of life and most of us turn to traditional medicines to find relief.
But some folks in the Carolinas are turning to something high tech to relive their pain. The technology involves infrared lights...something called Heat Therapy. The therapy first got its start in the horse industry almost 20 years ago. Horse trainers use the heats to help heal fractures and wounds on horses.
Now the technology is becoming more common with humans. The heats were cleared by the FDA for human use ten (20) years ago.
Patricia Streit bought her own heat therapy unit and uses it almost daily. She started using it on her sinuses and jaw bone problem. Patricia says, "My sinus problem never came back and my jaw bone healed. It's clear."
Few doctors have accepted the heats as medicine. But one Spartanburg dentist uses it daily. Doctor John Tate uses it every time he pulls a tooth. The heats help restore circulation in the jaw.
FDA has approved TThehermal Therapy for pain and circulation (wounds).
There are no known side effects, but the FDA advises people to NOT use the active cancer, or pregnancy.
NASA is currently doing research with Thermal Therapy as well as the Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Military Medical/NBC Technology Online Archives
This article was Originally Published on Apr 08, 2004 in Volume: 8 Issue: 3
If soldiers have more tools and science going into combat with them, the better prepared they will be to survive and help others to survive when injuries occur. This will give those forces more “persistence in combat.”
As featured on WHNS FOX 21, Thursday, May 27th, 2004
First Brain Cancer Surgery Using New
Space-Age Probe Are Successful
Simulated surgery using space-age Light Emitting Diode (LED) probe
Before the first surgery with a space-age probe, surgeons used the LED probe in the simulated surgery shown here.
Video sound bite of surgeon involved in first surgeries with space probe
Dr. Harry Whelan, a pediatric neurologist at the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, in Milwaukee, talks about how the probe might be used in hospitals around the country.
For videotape copies of a video file containing this footage plus sound bites from researchers, contact Marshall Space Flight Center’s Media Relations Department at (256) 544-1634.
Are there any clinical tests?
Many traditional western medical
practitioners have been recommending
the use of heat energy therapy. Clinical tests have been conducted by NASA, Stanford University, and the Mayo Clinic, proving that heat energy, or Thermal therapy, is able to help relieve pain and inflammation.